• For all the events participants should reach on time.
  • No players are allowed to play more than once in any event.
  • Fixtures will be decided by the sports committee and no interventions are allowed.
  • The authorities are inclined to make changes in anything chosen.
  • All participants are asked to maintain the campus decorum.
  • Participants are prohibited from damaging college properties including buildings and other equipment, if any, will be charged.
  • Participants shall avoid using any insulting, inciting, threatening language towards others.
  • Smoking, drinking and all kinds of illegal substance abuse is strictly prohibited within the campus area.
  • If any malpractices or violation of community guidelines are noticed (inside campus) , the entire team will be disqualified.


  • All matches are on the basis of knockouts.
  • Each team will get a match of 8 overs, where the bowling formation should be 3,2,2,1.
  • The final decision making are vested in umpire.
  • Participants are required to follow community guidelines in the ground.


  • Distance of Marathon will be 5 Kms.
  • It will be on mixed basis.
  • Standard rules of Marathon will be followed.
  • Participants are required to follow community guidelines in the ground.


  • Matches are based on knockouts.
  • Matches are held in the following categories;
    Men’s Singles
    Men’s Doubles
    Women’s Singles
    Women’s Doubles
  • All international rules are followed.
  • A player can participate in any number of games but only being part of a single team.


  • The break between two teams or players will be decided through toss.
  • The opener shall have white Carrom to strike, while the opponent black.
  • When a player calls the Queen, but does not cover it, then the Queen is returned to the centre circle by the opponent.
  • All matches are on the basis of knockouts with single rounds.
  • There will be one judge for one game and they also will be the time-keepers.
  • Each carrom potted will be considered as 1point and the red/queen carrom as 5points. (Subject to change according to entries)
  • Time limit for each game is maximum 25min. Player with highest points is considered winner of the game. (Subject to change according to entries)
  • Only the fingers, wrist and the forearm of play hand can touch the board while striking, if not its foul.
  • If the carrom is inside the baseline of the player striking, the player can use their thumb finger or any but should be a rebound shot. If not, it’s foul.
  • Foul Punishment: Foul committed team should place a pocketed piece on the board.
  • * Foul situations are as follows - 1. When any piece or striker leaves the board during the play.
    2. When the striker is pocked in any manner.
    3. When queen is pocketed in first strike
    4. When a player pockets the last piece before covering the queen
    5. When the person strikes opponents final piece and is pocketed before his/her final piece.
    6. When the player/team doesn’t have a piece to place on board as foul, the penalty is owned and should be reminded by the opponent team; if not the team owed penalty will be lost.
    7. Striker shouldn't be placed half on base circles (red circles)
  • Lose of turn:
    1. Push of the striker
    2. When striker crosses or touches the diagonal line.
    3. When a player touches any piece on the board
    4. When a player fails to break the counters in given three attempts.


  • All players should strictly follow Touch and Move rule. If a player touches one of their own pieces then he/she must move that piece itself, if it is a legal move.
  • Any kind of interference from any third party is not allowed in the game.
  • Players are also not allowed to seek any help from the audience or any other person.
  • If the player makes any illegal move, then the Arbiter shall give an extra time of 2 minutes to the opponent player. If the same player makes the second illegal move in the same game then the Arbiter shall announce the game lost by the offending player.
  • Every move should be done within 90 seconds.
  • All matches are based on knockouts.
  • There will be one judge for one game and they also will be the time-keepers.


  • Matches are held in the categories of singles and doubles.
  • One set of single match will be held until the semifinals.
  • Best of three will be taken for semifinals and finals.
  • The final decision making is vested in the referee.
  • Participants are required to follow community guidelines in the court.


  • All matches are based on knockouts.
  • The duration of knockout matches will be 30 minutes with 2 halves whereas the final match will be conducted in 40 minutes.
  • 16 players including five substitutes are allowed in a team.
  • Participants are required to follow community guidelines in the ground.


  • A team should consist of 8 members where 6 should be in the court.
  • Matches will be of 3 sets of 17, 17, 21 till semifinals whereas finals will be of 21, 21, 25.
  • Standard volleyball rules are applied.
  • Final decision making are vested in the referee.
  • Participants are required to follow community guidelines in the court.


  • Every team should consist of 7 playing members and 4 substitutes only.
  • The duration of the match will be 45 minutes with two halves of 20 minute each and a 5 minute break in between.
  • The lobby is considered active only when contact is made.
  • Bonus line will considered active only when there are 6 or more players are in the court.
  • The final decision making is vested in referee.
  • Participants are required to follow community guidelines in the court.


  • The duration of the match will be 40 minutes with 4 quarters of each 10 minutes.
  • Matches will be held on the basis of knockouts.
  • Standard basketball rules are applied.